About the Developers

Ralph Walden is best known as Microsoft's lead architect for WinHelp and HTML Help. He began working on online help systems for Microsoft in 1987 with the creation of QuickHelp. In 1992, he took over the development of WinHelp, producing WinHelp 4.0 and Help Workshop. In 1996, he began creating the largest team Microsoft has ever put on a help project, and was the system architect for HTML Help. He left Microsoft in 1998, and is now principal of KeyWorks Software.

Cheryl Lockett Zubak is President of Work Write, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in the design and development of user assistance and performance support for the Windows and Web platforms. An accomplished and popular speaker on hypermedia design and development, Cheryl is coauthor of Designing Windows 95 Help and a forthcoming book about HTML-based help design. Cheryl is a certified trainer for RoboHELP Office products (Blue Sky Software) and ForeHelp (ForeFront, Inc.), and is a charter member of the HTML Help MVP program. To learn more about Work Write, Inc. services, visit the Work Write, Inc. website at WayBack Machine to http://www.workwrite.com.